"No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader."
~Robert Frost

Yes, I do

Yes, I do

Yes, I do

I love you, she said. Yes, I do.

I love you, she said. 
Yes, I do.
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I do, for you didn’t let me go.
I do, for I told you no.
I do, for every moment was ours.
I do, for you talked to me for hours.

Can I be a bird ?

Can I be a bird ?

Can I be a bird ?

Can I be a bird With the wings to fly Not of feather But the desire to sway high

Photo by luizclas from Pexels

Can I be a bird 
With the wings to fly
Not of feather
But the desire to sway high